Thursday, December 12, 2013


Christmas 1988

You get the branches with the red dots, and I'll put them in...

Jimmy and Jamie in the back row - can you pick out the Blonde and Red Head?

Reverend  Jim Moore presides over the festivities...

Matt looks so handsome in the background holding the Christmas Tree!

My Little Angel lost her halo!
Happy Birthday Jesus
And I think this is the only photo I have of Matt & Nikki's sitter Sharon Rudy (far right)

 Christmas 1987
Singing in the Choir

Matt sings like an Angel
Jim sings - Matt's just resting for a minute...
The day after Christmas we were visited by the Chicken Pox...

The famous cookie decorating
Nikki - you hold the Santa...

Christmas trees - Day 8 on the Advent Calendar

When he was involved, his power of concentration was amazing.

I got the beater! Fudge is the best!

 Christmas 1985

Handsome Boys and Baby Girl's 1st Christmas!
Christmas 1982

Chris and Jimmy decorating the tree

Do you think he might be proud?
Showing all the Christmas Loot to Grandma Dot and Grandpa Jim

Trying out the new Flexible Flyer sled!

Mom and Matt and Jimmy - a juggling act!

Even the diaper change takes on a magical touch!

This is so much fun!

Ok! Enough is enough!
Matt couldn't be happier in his swing...

Uh Oh... trouble has arrived!

Grandma dons the Parrot Puppet - I think we still have that one!
Hard to tell who likes playing with the toys the most...

Jim takes Mommy for a ride - or gives it a shot anyway!

Spacing out in front of the TV after a wonderful day.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


 1987 Palm Sunday & Easter

The Dying of the Easter Eggs is about to begin!

We are very excited!

We planted beans and other things for spring!

And Mom knitted us these cool sweaters!

Nikki got a Pink One!

All dressed up for Palm Sunday

Three in a Row!!!


And the Obligatory Bro picture...
I have so MANY great dresses!

Easter Morning Booty!

Lets see what we got!

Wow this is Great!

Don't we look Fine?
All Dressed up for Easter
Our smiles are so big our faces are gonna break!

Have to show off those awesome suspenders too...
How adorable is this?

Add a little stylish attitude...
And the look is complete!

And I can squat like this...

And even if I stick out my tongue I'm still adorable!

1987  Life in the Backyard

The New Deck is a great place to explore

Hi Mom

Elliott and Nikki explore the Cozy Coupe horn
Put on your seat belt!

Halloween 1987

Just Perfect


Flip Side

So Adorable!

And of course the action shot...
Future Farmers of America Show 1987

Got to try out all the farm equipment at the FFA show in Florida NY